Brain Explosion

Brain Explosion


In Brain Explosion, get ready to face strange questions and try to solve them by thinking outside the box! Exams and quizzes are there to test our knowledge on different topics, but what happens when the questions don't make any sense? Play now to see for yourself!Two plus two is a simple question to solve, but you won't be seeing such things in this game. Your objective here is to find the correct answer to as many different questions as you can. You can use your mouse to play the game, so click on the start button to begin the test! Some questions you'll see will have different choices. While trying to solve these, you need to pick the correct option. Which one could be the correct answer to a question asking you to find the biggest one among the choices? An elephant? An infinity symbol? The word "answer" written in big letters? Only one way to find out and that is making a guess! You start the game with three lives and lose one with each wrong answer. Wh

How to Play

Tap To Play.
